Tuesday, March 18, 2008

R2 FC Gifu 0 - 1 Vegalta Sendai

Sendai gain their first win of the season while Gifu fail to take home their commemorative first home victory.

Gifu was blessed with fine spring weather for the historical day. Outside the main stand of Nagara Stadium, people were jammed into the rows of stalls that were selling local specialties before the game. Supporters from the popular opposition team Sendai, clad in their blue and gold uniforms and t-shirts, joined in the fun whilst tasting the local delights.
The scene before the game was like one out of an old folk tale, but as soon as kick-off drew near, everyone changed their focus and hit battle mode. From behind the goals to the back stands an echo rang around the stadium as the supporters began to release their battle cries.

The ball was finally kicked off in the inaugural first-ever J2 game in Nagara Stadium, Gifu . From the start, Sendai began trying to create some rhythm by using long passes aimed at Forward Takayuki Nakahara, therefore getting through what they anticipated would be a high line of defense in the back for Gifu.
But Gifu tackled these long balls head on without flinching, using Takayuki Komine and Shinya Kawashima to control the defensive line. With Nakahara unable to run around freely, Gifu’s Ryuuji Kitamura and Kazunori Kan teamed up, gathered loose ball and began to display some quick passing and nifty attack. But on this day, their Side-back’s did not function like they should have. With Left side-back Shinya Nasu out due to injury, last weeks Right side-back Masamichi Yamada was switched to the left, and Yasuhiro Yoshida was moved to the right. But with the combination of unfamiliar positions, as well as Yoshimura failing to pick up the J2 pace, Sendai’s attacking lifeline of Ryang Yong Gi and Kunimitsu Sekiguchi began to play with the Gifu defense showing their superior skills and speed in the position. This showed in the 23rd minute when Yamada scored an own-goal after trying to clear a centre kick from Yong Gi who had in turn received a pass from Nakahara down the right wing. It was this regrettable goal that opened the scoring for the game.
It was an own-goal, but it was also the result of relentless attack through the defensive hole down the side of the field. Yong Gi and Sekiguchi plugged away down this hole for the rest of the half, but resolute defense, especially by Goalkeeper Suguru Hino, left the score at 1-0 at the break.

In the second half Sendai once again began using long passes to Nakahara to try and add a further goal to their tally. However whether it was the use of the repetitive pattern of Yong Gi and Sekiguchi attacking down the flanks, or the fact that Gifu’s defense gradually began to respond little by little, Sendai were restrained by Gifu. The fact that Sendai’s steady attack was unable to crack the tough Gifu defense began to interest Gifu’s Manager, Hideki Matsunaga. In the 62nd minute he moved Forward Atsushi Katagiri to the left side and released pocket rocket Kang Hyo Li onto the field for his debut match. Gifu’s attack steadily began to take shape, as Katagiri provided a vital link to the driving force up front of Hyo Li and Masato Katayama. However Gifu were unable to produce the kind of finish which they had displayed in the final stages of their last game against Kofu, due largely to the fact that the midfield problem had not been fixed, and in the end time ran out. Sendai produced their first win of the season, while Gifu’s first victory in the J2 was put back on ice.

After the game, Sendai Manager Makoto Teguramori bought a few laughs in the interview room when he mentioned that “We won without anyone scoring!”, but the fact of the matter was, that this was not just a mere joke. On the day, Sendai attacked down the flanks, but lacked ideas from there. They tried simple attack down the length of the field, but forward Yuki Nakashima’s timing was out and passes were missed. Even when he stuck to the front line, he couldn’t follow up his attack, and lacked finishing. Last season, Lopes (now Yokohama F Marinos) had the ability to attack from beginning to end, and had a direct connection with Nakashima and Hiroki Bandai (Jubilo Iwata), but this season a player of that ability hasn’t emerged yet. As long as they don’t resolve this problem, the long stretch to the bitter end of the J2 will remain one of uneasiness.

On the other hand, Gifu also has the identical problems. It’s only their first season in the J2 but their defense and attack have formed clear shape. The thing is, can they smoothly add on Matsunaga’s idea of ‘automatically finishing off the movement’? If they can’t, along with Sendai, both teams will see the games piling up on each other without result. Both teams leave the game with the same problems. Which team will be able to take the bull by the horns and solve this problem first? That is the point to which we should pay attention.

So this closes the curtain on Gifu’s first home game in the J2. The first victory hasn’t come yet, but Gifu has certainly arrived in the J arena. However, in order for the crowd of 5,023 not to be the biggest in attendance for the season, the club must work hard and take plenty of interest in the surrounding community. The reason for this is that this mutual effort between the club and the people of Gifu will gradually accumulate, making the team stronger and in the end giving real significance and identity to the club and Gifu. Today Gifu did not make that step up, but the long road for Gifu has only just begun.

2008.03.16 Reported by Takahito Andou

【J2:第2節 岐阜 vs 仙台】レポート:岐阜、記念すべきホーム開幕戦を勝利で飾れず。仙台が今季初勝利を挙げる。 


いよいよホーム開幕戦がキックオフ。立ち上がりは岐阜が高いラインをキープしてくることを想定していた仙台が、前線の中原貴之をターゲットにしたロングボールを軸にリズムを作り出そうとする。対する岐阜は相手のロングボールにひるむことなく、小峯隆幸と川島眞也が強気のラインコントロールで、真っ向から対抗。中原に自由を与えず、セカンドボールは菅和範と北村隆二のダブルボランチと連動してセカンドボールを拾って、素早く攻撃に繋げる本来のサッカーを展開した。しかし、この日の岐阜は両SBが 思うように機能しなかった。左SBの奈須伸也が怪我で出場を回避し、本来はCBとボランチで、甲府戦では右SBだった山田正道が左へ入り、吉村光示が右 SBに入ったが、慣れないポジションと、吉村の調子が上がりきっていないこともあり、仙台の攻撃の生命線である梁勇基、関口訓充の両サイドアタッカーの個人技とスピードに翻弄されてしまった。すると23分、中原からのパスを右サイドで受けた梁のセンタリングをクリアしようとした山田のヘッドが、そのままゴールに入り、痛恨のオウンゴールで先制点を献上してしまう。


後半も仙台は中原をターゲットにしたロングボールを軸に、追加点を狙いに来た。前半同様に関口、梁がサイドを突破するが、仙台の攻撃がワンパターンになってきたせいか、徐々に岐阜の守備陣が対応しやすくなり、抑えるポイントが絞れるようになった。仙台が要所をしっかりと押さえる岐阜の堅い守備をこじ開けきれないでいると、ここを勝負どころと見た松永監督が動いた。FW片桐淳至を左サイドにシフト し、64分にはスピードが売りで前に仕掛けることが出来るFW姜曉一を投入。片桐が2列目に下がりボールを中継することで、ボランチのビルドアップの時間と、姜、片山の前への推進力を引き出し、徐々に岐阜の攻撃が形作られていった。だが、サイドのバランスを完全に修正するまでには至らず、甲府戦の終盤では解消出来ていたFWと中盤の距離の広がりが解消出来ないまま、時間が過ぎていき、そのままタイムアップ。岐阜の初勝利はお預けとなり、仙台が初勝利を掴んだ。

試合後、仙台・手倉森誠監督は「選手には『自分の初勝利で誰もゴール決めていないぞ』と言いました」と語り、会見場に笑いを誘ったが、決して単なるジョークではなかった。この日の仙台はサイドを突破できても、そこからのアイデアが乏しく、縦へのシンプルな攻撃においても、FW中島裕希が抜群のタイミングで飛び出してもパスが来なかったり、彼が前線で粘ってキープしても、フォローがなかったり、フィニッシュに繋がるまでのオートマチズムが足りなかった。昨年 はロペスというフィニッシュまでに繋げる潤滑油的な選手がいたため、萬代宏樹(現磐田)と中島がゴールに直結するプレーが出来たが、今季はいまだその役割を果たす選手が出てきていない。ここを解消しない限り、長丁場のJ2を戦い抜くには不安要素が多くなってしまうだろう。

一方の岐阜も同様の悩みを抱えている。J2初参戦といえど、明確な狙いを持った守備の形、攻撃の形は出来ている。あとは松永監督の言う「フィニッシュまでの自動化」がスムーズに出来るか。まさに仙台同様、サイドを崩したり、相手のマークの歪を生み出した後以降の潤滑油となるプレーが足りないだけに、試合を 重ねていくごとにプレーの精度を積み上げていくしかない。共に課題が残った一戦。この共通する課題をどちらが先に解消する糸口を掴むことができるのか。ここに注目していきたい。

かくして岐阜のホーム開幕戦は幕を閉じた。初勝利こそお預けとなったが、確かに岐阜にJがやってきた。この歴史的瞬間に5,023人の観衆が立ち会った が、この数字がシーズン最高の観客数にならないように、クラブも努力しなければいけないし、周りももっと興味を持って欲しい。こうした相互努力の一つ一つの積み重ねが、チームを強くし、やがて本当の意味で岐阜に根付いたクラブになっていくのだから。今日はその一歩を踏み出したに過ぎない。岐阜の長い道のり はまだ始まったばかりだ。


2008.03.16 Reported by 安藤隆人

Thursday, March 13, 2008

R1 FC Gifu 1 - 1 Ventforet Kofu

Kofu hands J2 rookies Gifu one precious point, and gets a roasting for it.

It was as if they hadn’t put their feet firmly on the ground yet. It was a different feeling to the time under the Taiboku administration in J2, different to their first year in the J1, and different to the final stages of last year when Kofu knew that demotion was already assured. I was looking forward to the opening game. There wasn’t a sense of genuine hope or uneasiness but instead a feeling of confidence and arrogance floating around on the faces in the crowd. From behind me in the special seating I heard somebody say “See, even though they’ve got the ball, they can’t even connect a pass. It’s like watching high school soccer”. Well, as it was, Gifu didn’t exactly give the impression that they could play “good soccer” straight after the opening kick-off. I was easily lured into the false sense of believing that Kofu was the better side without a doubt.

But after 15 minutes my pride began to turn to humbleness as I realized that for all the attacking ball that Kofu had, they hadn’t produced any good scoring chances. It wasn’t that Gifu was good, but the fact that Kofu hadn’t been able to live up to my expectations and that started to get me down. I couldn’t see any improvements in a quarter of the tasks that they had been set for 2008. They had made dramatic improvements during their training camps but I felt that during the practice match with Chiba, if they didn’t continue improving then it would all go to waste. However, this was just something that I was hoping for, and I didn’t really think that it would matter much in the lower levels of the J2 world. I recalled a comment from Shimizu S Pulse scout Yamazaki who during the J-step camp who said “It doesn’t matter how many years of top-level experience you’ve had, until you start, you don’t know what’s going to happen). The pressures on battling for the playing spots for practice matches, the pressures brought on by battling for J1 promotion, these are all completely irrelevant. At least when restricted to the opening game.

When Toshiaki Haji scored his header in the 38th minute from a corner kick, I thought to myself “How’s it going to end up today I wonder” as the crowd began to get excited. I began to feel a little pride after seeing the vigor involved in creating the goal. In the beginning of the second half, I even teased myself with the thought that Yohei Onishi still couldn't get rid of his curse of not being able to score in the J-league, after he had missed a great scoring chance after receiving a neat through-pass from Kentaro hayashi. But in the 66th minute when Gifu Forward Hiromi Kojima scored his goal due to a Kofu defensive passing mistake, a feeling of nervousness and irritation began to rage inside me. This kind of battle was not what Kofu had in mind for today, Kofu should be fighting fierce battles later on in the season. But as this game proved, the J2 is not a competition where you can simply come in on the day and go home with three points. I don’t know if it will always be like this, but there is definitely enough evidence to suggest that it just might.
The moment the score moved to 1-1, the crowd started to boo loudly. This revealed the stance of the supporters on their expectations for Kofu this year, for even in the relegation match last year there was no booing. This is meant to be the season where Kofu picks up their first championship title (J2). The biggest crowd in the opening matches of the 2008 J2 (13,211) were all thinking that. The players themselves probably also felt it, but we wanted to see positive, attacking soccer. After two years in the J1, maybe the players lost their values of what is meant to be “good soccer”. I don’t intend to judge everything on just one game, but at the end of the day, there were several players lacking the energy to be on the field. This isn’t pessimism, but instead, disappointment. The light feeling from being in a new division had disappeared after the game. I hope that the booing will flick the switch for positive play in next weeks game against Tokushima. To rise up and win in the J2, after only improving a little on last year isn’t easy, but for Kofu it’s all about pride. Because that’s what we love about Kofu, if they fight frantically to the death, we will applaud them. If they can do that, then they will begin to rise up the table. Realizing this, I’m beginning to look forward to round 2 next week.

2008.03.09 Reported by Jun Matsuo

【J2:第1節 甲府 vs 岐阜】レポート:ブーイングからのスタート。J2ルーキー・岐阜に勝ち点1を許した甲府。 [ J's GOAL ]
フワフワと地に足が着いていない気分だった。第2次大木政権のJ2時代とも、J1元年とも、J2降格を意識した昨年の終盤とも違う気分。開幕を楽しみにし ていたが、実際にその日を迎えると純粋な期待でも純粋な不安ではない、自信と傲慢の間に漂っているような感情がチラチラと顔を出してきた。記者席の後ろの SS席からは「ほら、ボールを持っても繋げない。高校サッカーみたいだな」という声が聞こえてくる。確かに、キックオフ直後の岐阜のサッカーに対して「いいサッカー」という印象は持たなかった。甲府の方が確実に上だという傲慢な気分に浸りたい誘惑がフワフワと近寄ってきた。
しかし、15分もすればその傲慢君は、攻め込んでいる割にはいい形のシュート数が少ない現実に謙虚という姿勢を学び始める。岐阜がいいのではなく、予定(希望)していたほどのサッカーを甲府が出来なかったからだ。1/4の課題は目に見えて改善されていなかった。ただ、それはキャンプ期間だけで劇的に改善される課題ではなく、やり続けないと駄目な課題であることは千葉とのトレーニングマッチで感じていた。しかし、それがJ2の世界ではどうなるのかは2年間 のブランクが都合よく邪魔をして、希望だけを育てていたのかもしれない。Jステップキャンプを見に来ていた山崎(現・清水スカウト)は「何年(プロを)経験しても、始まってみないと判らないですからね」と言っていたことを思い出した。レギュラーやベンチ入りをかけて戦うトレーニングマッチとJ1昇格を賭け て戦う本番のプレッシャーは別物だった。少なくとも開幕戦に限っては。
38分にコーナーキックから羽地登志晃の先制ヘディングシュートが決まったときは小瀬も沸いたし、「どうだね」という気分になった。ゴールが生み出す活力は素晴らしく、謙虚に傲慢になることが出来た。後半の立ち上がりも、林健太郎のスルーパスに反応した大西容平のシュートに「(Jリーグ)ノーゴールの呪いまだ解けず」と心の中で茶々を入れる余裕もあった。しかし、66分にDFラインのパスミスから岐阜の小島宏美に同点ゴールを許すと、イライラという感情がチャンスを掴んで蔓延る。スリーラインが連動できず、足が止まった甲府は岐阜の能力を引き出してしまう。岐阜は置かれた現状でやれることをしっかりやって いるチームだった。甲府とは違う意味の厳しい戦いをこれからも強いられるだろうが、J2リーグの草刈場に簡単になるようなチームではないことをデビュー戦 で証明しようとした。本当にそうなれるかどうかは判らないが、その可能性を充分に持っていることだけは確かだ。
1-1で引き分けた瞬間、小瀬に大ブーイングが起こった。J2に降格した時でさえブーイングをしなかったサポーターがブーイングをしたのは、今年の甲府の置かれている立場を表している。クラブ創立以来、初めて優勝(昇格)を現実的な目標として期待されるシーズンなのだ。J2リーグ第1節で一番の集客 (13211人)がその期待。選手もその意味を感じていただろうが、積極的に前に進むサッカーを見たかったのだ。甲府の選手たちは2年間J1を経験し、 「いいサッカー」と評価されることでそのメンタリティを失ってしまったのだろうか。一試合で判断するつもりはないが、活力が足りない選手が数人ピッチにいたことだけは事実。悲観はしないが残念な気分になった。慣れない立場にフワフワした気分も試合後には消えていた。ブーイングからのスタートを積極性へのス イッチとして第2節(徳島戦)をプレーしてくれることを期待したい。1/4の課題を改善して点を取り、J2で勝ち上がることは簡単ではないが、それをやる のが甲府の矜持。それが僕らが誇る甲府のスタイルなのだから、必死で表現しようとしてくれれば拍手を送る。それが出来れば順位も付いてくる。気がつくと第 2節を楽しみにする気分が顔を出してきた。
以上2008.03.09 Reported by 松尾潤