Sunday, April 20, 2008

R8 FC Gifu 2 - 3 Yokohama FC

They played their ever expanding game but... FC Gifu was forced to digest the depth of ‘Tsunami soccer’.

“This is a game that we really wanted to win” explained Yokohama FC Manager Satoshi Tsunami. After they suffered their first loss in the last round, Yokohama was determined to avoid their second loss in a row this week. The tenacity of this victory was shown in the last moments of the game.

If you want to illustrate Tsunami’s soccer, it’s like trying to grasp onto water. There are no concrete patterns or tactics and the players are changed into flexible positions where they themselves can set the tempo of the game. In other words, there’s no complete plan, just a flexible one that says ‘if this is happening now, then we should do this’. At first glance this looks like an unclear, boring kind of plan, but in reality, on the pitch there are various aims and precautionary measures put in place. If you don’t recognize these, then in a second you will be pulled into Yokohama FC’s net, and by the time you’ve realized it, it will already be too late.

Today’s Gifu was surely pulled into this net. From the start it was Gifu who set the pace of the game. Yokohama FC’s Atsuhiro Miura had started at Defending-midfield for the first time this season, pushing Elizeu into Centre-back. Gifu noticed the lack of cohesion between both centre-backs Kosuke Yatsuda and Elizeu, and started to create chances. They pushed their defense and middle lines up, and with speed pushed the ball that they’d dispossessed out to the wings. On the wings Takeshi Umeda and Kazumasa Takagi connected well with Forwards Masamoto Katayama and Atsushi Katagiri and they started to gain some superiority over Yokohama. In the 20th minute, Katayma upon receiving a throw in ball from the left side fainted to pass out but then cut-in to the penalty box in a split-second. The Yokohama defense, was caught unaware and Katayama fired in the first goal of the game.

Until this time the game had been played at Gifu’s pace. However little by little, the essence of ‘Tsunami soccer’ began to show within the Yokohama team. From the start the team had been in a 4-4-2 formation but midway through the half Kazuyoshi Miura moved back from the right side to centre, Shingo Nejime moved to the right side and Atsuhiro Miura and Tomoyoshi Ono switched positions, to change the flow in the midfield. Gifu had focused their defense on stopping key playmaker Atsuhiro Miura in the midfield, but as he had changed positions, confusion in marking him began to arise in the Gifu camp who hadn’t noticed this change in position. Surely this was Yokohama’s plan. “Gifu was pressing on Atsuhiro Miura so this left room for the rest of the team to build up momentum” said DF Yatsuda. Gifu’s once beautiful two line formation began to look crooked and as the space up the middle of the field increased, Yokohama started to fly through. After 25 minutes the pace had changed to Yokohama’s. As Gifu’s efforts to press Yokohama collapsed, the team balance began to crumble unknowingly. In the 44th minute Yokohama caught up to Gifu as an Ono header from an Anderson right cross rebounded off the post, onto Gifu’s Kazunori Kan and into the goal, for an own-goal. It might have looked like a lucky goal, but it was a result of space that had been created by Ono in front of the goal.

While the score was still 1-1 in the second half, Gifu exploited a chink in Yokohama’s armor, as Koji Yoshimura headed in a Shinya Nasu long throw-in to net what looked like it could be the game winning goal in the 60th minute. But, falling back into Yokohama’s net, Gifu couldn’t put away Yokohama as they have regularly done to their other opponents.

In one swoop, after conceding the goal, Tsunami replaced Ono with Kunihiko Takizawa in the 60th minute, Hiroaki Namba with Cho Young Cheol in the 61st and Kazuyoshi Miura with Tomoki Ikemoto in the 64th minute. This strong plan then bore it’s fruit. The three introduced players immediately made the midfield more fluid and Gifu’s defense became irregular. As Gifu’s press began to come unstuck, the effects of running up and down the field because of this began to wear on the players who slowed down, which in turn changed the defensive block formation in the midfield and in turn created large amounts of space up the middle of the field which Yokohama began to utilize. Then in the 81st minute there was Atsuhiro Miura’s strong middle shoot, which although outdone by the fine save from Gifu keeper Masatoshi Mizutani, was followed by a Yatsuda goal from the following corner-kick. The momentum had shifted back to Yokohama. Yokohama rode their wave of attack, and Gifu, without thinking about defending a draw began to counter-attack for the winning goal. However in injury-time it was Yokohama who came through after Cho yet again made a break up the midfield, sent a pass to the opposite side to Anderson who then booted in a hearty right footer in what was a priceless knockout blow.
For Yokohama it was a great come-from-behind victory, but for Gifu there was the feeling that it was three points that they should have won but had lost. This defeat however was an inevitable defeat because Gifu had fallen into Yokohama’s trap. If they had had the time to look at what was happening and to change their defense it would have been great but by staying at the same fixed pattern throughout the game they paid the consequences.

Certainly, what unfolded on the field was not all bad for Gifu. They played to their usual clearly defined plan and played good quality active soccer. However the opposition was at fault. Yokohama’s hard to grip soccer was not compatible with Gifu. This is the biggest reason for their defeat. How will Yokohama build up their soccer from now? For this writer in charge of FC Gifu, after watching this match I look forward with excitement to ‘Tsunami soccer’ from now on.

2008.04.19 Reported by Takahito Andou.

【J2:第8節 岐阜 vs 横浜FC】レポート:普段通りのサッカーを展開したが…奥深い都並サッカーに飲み込まれた岐阜 [ J's GOAL ]


都並監督のサッカーを例えるなら、つかみどころのない液体のようなサッカーと言うべきか。具体的な戦術やパターンはなく、選手が試合の中でフレキシブルにポジションを変化させ、リズムを自らの手で作り上げていくサッカーと受け取れる。つまり、そこには完成形はなく、「今この状況であったら、こうすべき」と 常に流れの中で変化に富んでいる。一見は狙いがはっきりしないつまらないサッカーに見えるが、実はピッチ上では狙いを持った様々な予防線が張り巡らされている。これに気付かないでいると、たちまち横浜FCの網に引っかかり、気付いたときには時既に遅しとなる。

今日の岐阜はまさにそうだった。立ち上がりは先手を仕掛ける岐阜がペースを握った。今季初めてスタートから三浦淳をボランチに、エリゼウをセンターバックに置いてきた横浜FCに対し、岐阜はエリゼウと八田の両センターバックの連携不足を付いて、チャンスを作り出す。DFラインと中盤のラインの2ラインを高 い位置まで押し上げ、奪ったボールを素早くサイドへ展開。サイドでは梅田、高木と片桐、片山の2トップがうまく絡んで、数的優位を作り出し、横浜FCを押 し込んでいった。20分には、左サイドからのスローインを受けた片山が、リターンすると見せかけて一気にペナルティエリア内に切れ込んでいく。完全に面を食らった横浜FC守備陣の対応が遅れるのを尻目に、片山はそのまま深く切れ込んで先制弾を叩き込んだ。

ここまでは岐阜の流れだった。しかし、ここからじわじわと都並サッカーの真髄が顔を出してくる。スタートは【4-4-2】のボックスだったが、途中から右サイドの三浦知がトップ下の位置に入り、根占が右サイドに上がったり、三浦淳と小野のポジションが入れ替わったり、中盤が流動的に変化していく。岐阜は守 備の約束事として、中盤のキーマンである三浦淳に必ず一枚は当たるようにしていた。しかし、その三浦淳のポジションが変化していくのだから、気付かないうちにマークが重なってしまうシーンが増えていく。横浜FCの狙いはまさしくそこだった。「淳さんにプレスが集中していくので、チーム全体のビルドアップが出来た」とDF八田が語ったように、岐阜は綺麗な2ラインを形成していた序盤と違ってラインに歪が生まれ、横浜FCは増えた中盤のスペースに次々と選手が 飛び込んでいく。25分過ぎには試合は横浜FCペースに変わっていった。岐阜にとってはプレスを掛けているはずなのに掛からないという状況に陥り、知らず 知らずのうちにバランスを崩していく。44分には右に流れたアンデルソンのクロスに飛び込んだ小野のヘッドが、バーに当たって跳ね返ったボールが岐阜の MF菅に当たり、オウンゴールとなって横浜FCが追いつく。このゴールは一見ラッキーに見えるが、ボランチにいた小野がゴール前に出来たスペースに飛び込んだからこそ生まれたものであった。

1-1で迎えた後半、60分に岐阜は横浜FCの一瞬の隙を突いて、奈須のロングスローから吉村が勝ち越し弾を挙げるが、完全に横浜FCの網に掛かった状態では、いつもの相手をいなすサッカーを展開できなかった。失点後、都並監督は60分に小野に代え滝澤を、61分に難波に代えチョ・ヨンチョルを、64分に三浦知に代え池元を投入し、一気に交代枠を使い切って勝負 に出る。この強気の策が実を結んだ。滝澤、チョ、池元が流動的だった中盤をさらに流動的にし、より岐阜の守備の歪を生み出していった。プレスがなかなかはまらず、長い距離を走らされるようになった岐阜は、徐々に足が止まり出し、中央でのブロック形成へ守備方法を転化していったため、両サイドに広大なスペー スが生まれ、そこを横浜FCに有効活用されてしまう。すると81分、三浦淳の強烈ミドルシュートはGK水谷のファインセーブで凌いだが、そこからのCKを八田に押し込まれ、試合は振り出しに戻る。勢いに乗っ た横浜FCは、守りに入らずに勝ち越し弾を狙いに来た岐阜に対し、カウンターの準備を進めていく。そしてロスタイム、ピンチを凌ぐと、一気にカウンターを仕掛け、中央のチョが左サイドのスペースに送ったスルーパスに反応したアンデルソンが、豪快に右足を振り抜き、値千金の決勝弾を叩き込んだ。


2008.04.19 Reported by 安藤隆人